China Earthquake Data Center/国家地震科学数据中心

The platform provides five major categories of data.

  1. Observational data. This includes: seismic, geomagnetic, gravity, topographic variation, geoelectric, subsurface fluid, strong shaking, present-day crustal motion, and other observational data. This is the largest category of seismic science data in terms of quantity.
  2. Detection data. This includes: artificial seismic, geomagnetic, and seismic mobile array data.
  3. Survey data. This includes: earthquake geology, earthquake hazards, earthquake field research, engineering earthquake damage, earthquake damage prediction, earthquake remote sensing, and other data.
  4. Experimental data. This includes: tectonophysical experiments, neotectonic age tests, building structure seismic experiments, geotechnical earthquake engineering experiments, etc.
  5. Thematic data. This kind of data is comprehensive data, mainly serving the objectives of an important research topic, a major engineering project, and a specific regional comprehensive research. For example, data on geological large section detection study, volcano monitoring study, reservoir seismic monitoring study, mine seismic monitoring study, typical large earthquake damage, crustal stress environment data in mainland China, Three Gorges Project, Qinghai-Tibet Railway, building seismic safety evaluation, etc.
China Earthquake Administration
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