The NYU Shanghai Library provides various spaces for use by individuals and groups. These areas include walk-in spaces, quiet study areas, video viewing station, and reservable study rooms. The library has three different Zones that are color-coded on the floor map.
Reservable Study Spaces
Users of the rooms and spaces must abide by the Library Space Policy.
Scholar's Space
Graduate students and approved undergraduate students (apply for access) can swipe their NYU card to access Scholar's Space (N606) and book the individual cubicles.
ReserveResearcher’s Room
The Researcher’s Room (N607) is available exclusively to NYU Shanghai PhD students and approved research fellows for quiet concentrated study.
ReserveSave My Spot
Save My Spot is a seat management system designed to optimize the utilization of library seats. The primary goal is to empower students to manage their shared space in the library. Through this system, students can scan a QR code to reserve a seat for themselves for 30 minutes when they need to leave temporarily. Additionally, they can take a seat even if the desk appears to be occupied by unattended items, as long as they follow the Respectful Item Removal Guidelines.